Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks Cressi LX433101-P
My relative purchased it used.
Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks Cressi LX433101-P can respond to very well. Because of the ease of use. Simple and needs. Although Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks Cressi LX433101-P may be a lesser-known products.
Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks Cressi LX433101-P is a very good product, good one. So if you're looking for Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks Cressi LX433101-P , then. The right decision. Because you are not good and the price is not high. Now it has been suggested by the properties which it has spread widely.
![Cressi 2.5-mm Anti-Slip Socks](
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- Made In Italy
- Pioneer In Water Sports Since 1946
- Designed And Created Using Innovative and Patented Manufacturing Technology
- includes 2 Year Warranty
- Always A Comfortable Fit
These are single-lined, thin, high stretch neoprene boots.The inner is lined in Metallite so they are easy to put on.The sole has an effective non-slip lining. They can be used with both closed foot fins for greater warmth and to protect the skin from scratches and chafing, as well as with firm-soled boots, using open-heel fins.In this case, warmth is considerably increased and it is also easier to put on your wetsuit.
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